- 使用美國Nisus環保、無毒、天然滅蟲劑
- 殺滅及防止曱甴、蟻、蝨類、蜘蛛、蠅類等20種害蟲在新居內
- 14天滿意保証
- 送甲醛及空氣有害物測量1次(價值$3000), 加送$1000服務或產品優惠劵

BORA-CARE® 全天然白蟻防治及消滅
- 滲透式建立有效屏障及保護區以免白蟻入侵
- 美國建築業界廣泛採用,長達30年滿意保証
- BORA-CARE®唯一美國認可零污染環境及水源藥品
- 99.99998%成功率! 應用於多個文物建築、獨立豪宅、受保護湖畔住宅

“ 無醛屋GreenKey ” 甲醛分解 +空氣淨化
- 全天然甲殼素塗料, 無色無味不影響家俱
- 滲透後60分鐘抽出深藏甲醛分解率達99.9%
- 兩次上門測量指數保証
- 送$1000服務或產品優惠劵, 家居環境全面蟲害評估報告
由1988年起開始服務香港專業滅蟲領域, 擁有三十年的專業經驗。由政府委任的環境滅蟲工作,到大型公眾場所至私人獨立屋到住宅,我們一直都提供有效及高質的解決方案及技術。
- 我們獨家代理在美國綠色建築業界及滅蟲界公認為最可靠的藥品出產公司Nisus一系列專業環保滅蟲產品. 由消滅及預防白蟻到木蝨藥品一應俱全.
- 而另一由台灣提煉的天然甲殼素分解甲醛塗料無醛屋Greenkey亦突破了光觸媒及CT觸媒的限制. 我們將會重點推介給香港家庭作為徹底解決方法,而非暫時消除或隱藏甲醛問題. 進一步保障香港家庭健康.
- Dr. HS Fang MBBS (HK) FHKAM (Medicine) : I am happy with Century Strong Pest Control Service for over 25 yrs.They come to my premises & are very efficient in providing their service. Keep us Pest Free – and safe from infestation.Would not hesitate to refer Century Strong to treat for fleas, bed bugs – or other pests that may invade your premises or pose skin /allergy health risk to your family or staff.
- Belinda So (QA Manager for UNILEVER HK) : I have been QA Mgr. for the Unilever plant premises for over 20years. For the whole duration, this period we have employ the services of Century Strong for our pest control service. UNILEVER have very high Int’l standards of its service providers – to date we have full confidence in Century Strong’s service effectiveness and the attitude of its service staff.
Mrs. Maria Lee : A professional hotelier in Hong Kong for over 30 years – General Manager in Hong Kong’s most premium hotel chain that contracted its Pest Control needs to Century Strong staff. I would not hesitate to recommend Century Strong ‘s Pest Control Services. They always performed & kept us free of infestation – acting fast whenever cause for concern.
- Gary Chiu (Hotel F&B / Catering Director for major food chain – previously hotel executive in 3 mega 5-star Int’l Hotel chains) : I have known the founder of Century Strong for over 25 years, and relied upon his company’s pest control services for several the hotel establishments I have been assigned. In all matters re Pest Control we found their staff capable and very efficient. Hotel kitchens can be a breeding ground for cockroaches but under Century Strong supervision we had little to complain, and any pest matter were always dealt with swiftly via an integrated partnership between Stewarding & Pest control expert Century Strong deployed us.
陳經理 銅鑼灣咖啡店 : 對於一間食肆,環境衛生是最重要的。但無論環境有多衛生,總會有一些不速之客。當員工發現老鼠時,幸好當時是早上,餐廳還未開門。得朋友介紹,首次使用世壯的服務,抱著試一試的心態。但世壯的專業態度和效率,令我十分有信心。他們不但解答了我們很多問題,還教導我們如何預防。如再有下次(希望沒有),世壯將是我的首選。
Stephen 中環商業大廈 : 本公司多年來使用世壯的深層清洗地毯服務,我和公司員工都十分滿意效果,無論什麼污漬都能清除,令地毯長時期保持最佳狀態
- Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin The Peak : I have been using Century Strong’s service for decade on different aspects. Recently, I have moved to my new house. But before that, I have to make sure it is a “safe” house for my family. Century Strong had done different services for my house, including cleaning, pest prevention, de-formaldehyde, etc. Their staff was very professional, effective and punctual. I am quite sure I will keep on using their service in the future.
- 許小姐 大埔村屋 : 由於我居住於村屋,所以一直受很多昆蟲騷擾,世壯有效地協助我們解決了問題,而且利用全天然的噴劑,完全沒有難聞氣味,又對身體沒有影響,這是我最滿意的其中一點。